Visiting Gallipoli

Visiting Gallipoli

Visiting Gallipoli | Museums and Galleries Research Travel Writing Inspiration I’ve visited Istanbul several times – once in the mid 90s on holiday and several times on business with the odd weekend tagged on. I even began writing a thriller set there (sadly...
A Visit to Lamb House in Rye – former home of Henry James

A Visit to Lamb House in Rye – former home of Henry James

A Visit to Lamb House in Rye – former home of Henry James | Museums and Galleries Writing Inspiration I’ve just spent a delightful three days staying in Rye. I rented a house at the top of Mermaid Street in the heart of the old town with three of my friends – just a...
Dublin Dockers’ Nicknames

Dublin Dockers’ Nicknames

Recently I visited Ireland for a family wedding. Whilst there, enjoying an evening in a local pub, I was reminded of one of the inspirations behind part of my book Storms Gather Between Us – an inspiration I’d entirely forgotten about until now!

Retreat at Mousehole

Retreat at Mousehole

Retreat at Mousehole | Writing Inspiration Writing Retreat I love writing retreats. Not organised ones with tutors, but small gatherings with other authors in attractive or new surroundings to write. Being in a different place is usually a stimulus to the creative...