by Clare Flynn | May 9, 2012
I’m having a bit of a battle. My characters are getting downright insubordinate. Talk about rank ingratitude to the person who’s giving them life. I thought the fact that I’d got the whole story mapped out would mean I just had to sit down and write...
by Clare Flynn | May 4, 2012
Poor old Ginny’s having a bit of a rough time. Soon after the dis-arse-terous dinner party, she hears some news requiring her to make a speedy return to Blighty. That led to me searching for the quickest route to get her home again. I managed to find a copy of...
by Clare Flynn | Apr 26, 2012
I was writing today about the Angels’ Trumpet flowers that I saw everywhere around Munnar and Periyar. Ginny my character was painting them and I thought I’d better check I’d got the name right. Turns out they’re highly toxic… so you...
by Clare Flynn | Mar 30, 2012
I’ve been indulging in a spot of daylight robbery today. I used to work for an innovation company that had a favourite mantra “Steal with glee” – the idea being that you should look for inspiration anywhere and everywhere and beg, borrow and...
by Clare Flynn | Mar 29, 2012
Despite Ginny’s efforts to the contrary (see post below) I’ve finally broken into India. Yay! In fact I’ve been so caught up with it this afternoon I’ve written 1200 words and just stopping now for a cup of tea I realise it’s 7pm when I...
by Clare Flynn | Mar 18, 2012
Another 1500 words in the bag and on track to hit 10,000 today or tomorrow. Not that it’s any indication of being well on the way, as even when the first draft is finished I know there’ll be lots of rewriting to do. I am relieved though that we are at last...