Publication Day!

Publication Day!

I’m very happy that today is publication day for The Chalky Sea – and by a happy coincidence also Canada Day – and the 150th anniversary at that. As the book is partly set in Ontario and has several Canadian characters that is good news indeed!

First Impressions

In honour of Valentine’s Day I thought it would be fun to share some extracts of first meetings from my novels, thinking of the words of Dostoyevsky –  “We sometimes encounter people, even perfect strangers, who begin to interest us at first sight,...
Being Uprooted

Being Uprooted

It was only after I’d finished the first draft of my second novel that I realised it had something in common with the first. Then after sketching out a rough outline of novel number 3, I’ve realised that  I’m exploring a similar theme there too.  ...
An Independent Woman and a Forced Marriage

An Independent Woman and a Forced Marriage

The main character in my novel, A Greater World,  is effectively won in a game of poker, after her desperate father uses her as a stake. Poor Elizabeth Morton has to go through what amounts to a forced marriage when all her options run out. Someone asked how I’d...

A Cover Design for A Greater World

I’m very pleased with the cover for A Greater World – done by Jane Dixon-Smith of JD Smith Design. Jane is now working on the cover for Kurinji Flowers – and I am cracking on with the horrible and frustrating task of setting the two texts up for...