A Fine Pair of Shoes and Other Stories


 “A recommended book that I’d put on my ‘curl up and read’ shelf.”

-Goodreads Reviewer

Some of these stories plunder my own family history. A Fine Pair of Shoes started out with my wish to capture and embroider the bare bones of the story of my paternal great-great-grandparents’ trip to The Great Exhibition of 1851. I gave the story away to readers of my books and then decided, on the strength of the feedback, to write a few more.

The Proposal is based on the tragic death of my own maternal grandfather, killed on the Liverpool docks in 1934 when my mother was six.

I have also stolen snippets from my grandfather’s correspondence and embroidered them for The Glass of Milk and The Old Pal’s Reunion. He died when my Dad was only thirteen so I never got the chance to know him, but his letters to his brother, Fred, have given me an insight into his life and his sense of humour.

My novels have so far all been historical but some of these stories are contemporary. I hope you enjoy them. From a trailer home somewhere in the USA, to the streets of the left bank of Paris and a tropical island paradise, the contemporary stories all have a grain of truth in them.

I have also included the two opening chapters to The Chalky Sea the first in my trilogy of WW2 novels. It’s set on the Sussex coast as well as Aldershot and Ontario Canada.

You can download a copy of A Fine Pair of Shoes for FREE if you subscribe to my monthly newsletter – there will be no spam – just genuine news of new releases and special offers. This is the only way to get a digital copy of the collection as it is not for sale – other than in paperback – on any retailers!

It’s sometimes difficult to ‘get’ short stories because they don’t go into as much depth and detail as a full-size novel, so it commendable that these stories are so entertaining due to Clare’s excellent use of words and her storytelling skills. I particularly love ‘A Fine Pair of Shoes‘ which reminds me of something I would have done so I can relate to it well. I also particularly loved the short snappy humour of ‘The Peruvian Hat‘. Clare has proved that she is not only an excellent writer of historical fiction but can also effortlessly switch to modern times.” Amazon review

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